Here's a video of JGL signing Bad Romance. I thought I would love it, but I kind of hate it.
This will make it better:
Wait, what's the chain for?
Nice underwear.
Bow tie!
Much better.
Reba - SNL Digital Short from Niela Jay on Vimeo.
Check out this awesome recap:
Ugh, I cannot believe how many precious hours of my life were wasted watching this garbage. Actually, I can. I watch terrible TV, including my new find, Obese & Pregnant.
Here is a list of why this finale was the worst:
- Dave, who was a 'no means yes' type of guy on Gillian's season of the Bachelorette, won! And he was somewhat popular! He has total crazy eyes.
-Dumb-dumb Natalie also won!
-Wes (who was pure evil in Gillian's season) has turned into a likable guy. How did everyone forget his scheming ways so soon? AND - what was probably the worst thing all evening - they let him sing again. ANNNND the cast knew the words to his songs!!!
-Gia, who I used to like, turned out to be a Wes-loving moron
-Deep-V spandex onesies on Dave and Kovacs. Kiptyn kept it classy in a tux.
-Did you see the disconnect in colour between Krisily's orange face and her neck?
BUT, there were also some highlights:
-Dave planting a wet kiss on host Chris Harrison
-Not hearing Tenley squeal of happiness
-Crazy Michelle. Speaking of whom, here is a video in which Michelle made Tenley cry:
In honour of the return of everyone's favourite attempted-child-rapist-turned-sweetheart, we have compiled some of the greatest Chuck Bass-isms:
"What we're entitled to is a house in the Hamptons. Maybe a prescription drug problem. But happiness does not seem to be on the menu so smoke up and seal the deal with Blair because you're also entitled to tap that ass."
"If you're referring to the fact I'm not in Thailand smoking hash with prostitutes, change is good."
"A little Thanksgiving proclamation. You two ever play grab-ass in my elevator again, and Serena will be staying at an airport Marriott. Happy holidays."
"Dude. I'm Chuck Bass. Even Europeans must know what that means."
"Poor little time, so many sluts to defend..."
"Do you really think I want to spend my weekend watching women with tramp stamps work out their daddy issues? It's for Nate."
"I'm Chuck Bass. And I told you I love you. You're saying I'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual homesick malcontents. You really insult me like that? ... The next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass. And I love you."
"Let me be more succinct. You held a certain fascination...when you were beautiful, delicate, and untouched. you're like the Arabian my father used to own. Rode hard and put away wet. I don't want you anymore, and I can't see why anyone else would."
"[In reply to Blair's comment that NYU is hell] What do you expect from a place where men wear sandals?"
"I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen."
"I'm bored. And you've ruined my pants."
Nadal is all guns. He says nuts to tradition by forgoing sleeves. But the wedgie-picking OCD thing is a bit of a turn off.
Federer, on the other hand, is pure class. He's been through the long hair faze of his life and grown into his current sexy 'do.
Did some film festival stalking yesterday in Toronto. I *think* I saw Jon Hamm. That said, I also thought I saw Sarah Jessica Parker. After stalking SJP for the better part of an hour, she turned out to be a celebrity imposter. There are TONS of these weirdo attention-seekers flaunting their non-celebrity selves all over the city. The get totally dolled up with salon hair/fancy wigs, and wear crazy clothes to draw the eye's attention.
P.S. This photo is of a Meatloaf impersonator.