-why is B licking her own envelopes? Where the eff is dorota for these menial, potentially fatal (see: Constanza, George), tasks?
-Deadliest catch, S? That would be your crabs. Ew.
-why are Ruf's pants tighter than Dan's butthole?
-Aw, Eric's all grown up, Danny DeVito-style.
-as if S. knows what a peace treaty is...
-serena and nate are attorneys-at-hair
-Serena, you are so dumb. Why are you talking to obviously-fake-schemer Juliet?
-"Unless you mean Firth or Farrell, I'm not listening": excellent quote B
-dorota is so wise, like a polish yoda
(sidebar: why is taylor swift everywhere? there is no explanation for why CHFI insists on playing her songs all the goddamn time. i'm on team kanye.)
-Dear Random at the Party, thanks for the CEO of Pepsi tip.
-Blair is the voice of reason. She must have learned it from Dorota.
-Speaking of Dorota, she cleans up nice. Her speech, however, was a bit of a snoozer.
-best ever! rachel zoe covered in chocolate...calories are being absorbed through her skin. "I...die."
-whoa slit, serena. what is the point of sheathing yourself in lime green silk if it's going to be a crotch shot anyways.
-wow. rufus. lily's personal coat-check.
-that firey feeling Chuck is not hatred. It's syphilis.
-Um, ew. Why the grainy video? As if B would agree to sleezy hooker sex on her mom's piano
-FYI, here's what you get when you YouTube "Connie Chung piano":
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